Answers: How do I change the order of info on forms? How do I customize my form and create conditional questions?

When considering our amazing monday Forms feature, you may have been wondering, “How can I change the order and further customize the question fields on my forms, and is there a way to set up conditional formatting?” Well, these are really great questions!

The order of the questions on your form corresponds directly to the order of the columns on your board from left to right. Let’s consider an example to see exactly what this may look like!

In our Graphic Requests board below, we have the following columns in order from left to right: the Status Column, Long Text Column, Date Column, and Rating column.

With this in mind, when adding a form onto our board, it will have these columns presented as question fields in the exact same order (with the name of the item first):

Therefore, if you’d like to change the order in which the information on your form is displayed, simply drag and drop the columns to the desired position on your board and you’ll see the form question fields reordered accordingly!

Now, in order to further customize the question fields on your form, you can click on the column name and edit it to say whatever you want. You can also change the color of your form, add descriptions, and make questions mandatory, or hide them from your form!

It is also important to note that editing the question fields on your form will not affect the column names on your board.

Regarding conditional formatting on forms, it is currently not possible to create conditional questions on monday Forms. We are working hard to make some cool new changes to our forms (including the option to create conditions!) so stay tuned. :star_struck::raised_hands:

To read more about our forms feature, check out this article.


Would be nice to be able to change the front end of the form. To be able to organize the fields and it’s sizes as we wish.

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