Hi Everyone,
I am trying to create an “automation” using an IF/AND formula based on a date range and the start date of our timeline. I am hoping to “auto” populate Sprint numbers to categorize tasks, deliverables, milestones.
I tested the below formula in excel (replacing dates from excel with Timeline Start Date) and it worked perfectly but when i tried to move the formula to monday.com it gave me an illegal formula error message. Does anyone have any insights on how to fix or solution for my problem?
Thanks in advance!
=IF(AND({Timeline#Start}>=DATE(2023,9,18),{Timeline#Start}<=DATE(2023,10,8)),“Sprint 9”,IF(AND({Timeline#Start}>=DATE(2023,10,9),{Timeline#Start}<=DATE(2023,10,29)),“Sprint 10”,IF(AND({Timeline#Start}>=DATE(2023,10,30),{Timeline#Start}<=DATE(2023,11,19)),“Sprint 11”,IF(AND({Timeline#Start}>=DATE(2023,11,20),{Timeline#Start}<=DATE(2023,12,10)),“Sprint 12”,IF(AND({Timeline#Start}>=DATE(2023,12,11),{Timeline#Start}<=DATE(2023,12,31)),“Sprint 13”,IF(AND({Timeline#Start}>=DATE(2024,1,1)),“Sprint 14”))))))