New feature in gradual release: Duplicate questions in Workforms!

We are excited to announce the gradual release of a :star2: very highly requested feature :star2:

Soon all form creators will be able to duplicate questions directly in the form itself - saving time and effort with building out and customising your forms.


If you’re yet to see this in your account, keep your eyes peeled, and if you have started using this feature in your account, let us know in the comments :point_down:


Hey, I still can’t see it on workforms, is there a technical problem on my side?
Thank you!

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I do not see it on our account either. Sometimes, we have to ask our CSM to “turn on” features. Maybe this is one of those situations?
@BiancaT do you know if we need to request this feature?

I can’t see this in my accounts either

Hi everyone,

Thank you for bringing this to my attention :pray:

I have had confirmation that due to a technical issue, there was a delay in the release which explains why this feature is not yet accessible. I have checked in with the development team on where this currently stands and will update you asap. Thanks for your patience!

Hi everyone,

Thank you so much for your patience with me :pray:

I am afraid I don’t have great news - unfortunately the release of this feature was paused due to a reprioritisation of more urgent tasks. We will try to work on it this iteration and will let you know of changes moving forward. Thank you in advance for your understanding and my apologies for the inconvenience.

Any news on this, by chance? I am currently creating exhausting forms, having to type in (or copy and paste) every line of several identical questions and conditions. It looked like there may have already been a beta release, from the original post, prior to pausing the project. PLEASE tell me this is back on…? Thank you!!

Any news on when this will be available?