New tasks due today disapearing off My Work page

I’ve noticed this happening in the past. It’s not consistent, but it does seem to happen often enough that I’ve come to anticipate it.

  • I add a new task to a board/group that assigns it to me by board default.
  • I set the due date to today, and I don’t touch the status.
  • I click over to the My Work page and the new task is there, at the bottom of today’s tasks
  • In less than a second after the My Work page loads, the new task disppears off the My Work page.

I see it there for a split second and then it’s gone, but the task is still on the board/group where it was added. It’s still assigned to me. It’s still due today. It’s still not had its status changed.

This seems like broken behavior.

Hey Troy,

This does sound strange…

Are you happy to send over a quick recording demonstrating the behaviour?

Additionally, the board has definitely been selected in the My Work settings? Is there a specific status set when you create that new task?