Sadly remains unresponsive to this topic seemingly to not care that this is an open issue for many users. Not on roadmap, etc…
Wish they would take inspiration from how Jira does it. @meizheng.two hinted at this. You can simply type in, for example, “3h 45m” and then save. That’s it. So simple.
You can get fancy and backdate, but if all you care about is getting the duration recorded, it’s a cinch.
For backfilling time spent, as an alternative to the clunky Time Tracking column interface, we’re adding a number column. Then a formula column takes the native Time Tracker column (hours) + the manual backfill column + (Jira’s synced time total / 3600) = total time spent
Yes, so much extra work and thinking power! Please add this!!!
This is very necessary! Please add!
Hi @cnicolaisen
Have you had a look at the TimesheetPro app from our partner Work Perfect? It not only uses a super simple interface to log your time.
It’s got a free plan as well, so maybe worth trying.
@LKat @StephRH @PMPaige @melimber @kstirzaker
You can now easily update a time entry with one click using Smart Timer and Team Tracking app which has the same look and feel as the native timer.
We had the same pain point with our service based business, sometimes there was a flat rate of time or the staff accidentally recorded the wrong time and needed to easily update it, so we got our dev to build a solution which we have now released to the marketplace.
We also built in the ability for the team to see LIVE who is recording time on what, this helps us to manage our remote team and re-delegate work as needed.
We have only recently launched so if there are any tweaks that would help it better suit your business feel free to add to the live chat and we will see if we can roll it out in the next update.