Time tracking functionality

Hello Monday.com

Looking to move from Teamwork.com to your product but from what I can see the functionality of the time tracking column is a deal breaker.

We need to be able to record the hours/mins, e.g 1hr 30 or 90 mins. The start time and end time is irrelevant, what matters is the time we spend.

We bill our time across internal and external customers and they (quite rightly) don’t care one jot if we did the work at 13:30 to 14:30 - all they and we care is the one hour/60 mins.

Is this something you are looking to address as it seems to have been a concern since 2019. If not we will renew with Teamwork.com, which whilst expensive has far far more functionality that monday.com


Absolutely agree with this. We are using time tracking to roughly log how long we spend on jobs. The current process is completely clunky and a massive pain, meaning we’re often simply not doing it. Our team often are busy on jobs for 2 - 3 days, meaning after client submission, we just want to input “30 hours”, not have to specifically add dates and times.

Please please can you add this functionality.

Kind regards,
Peter Mitchell.

Hi @thedavegray and everybody who is looking for solution :wave:

If i got you right Time in Status app can be helpful for you. App track time the Item has spent in each workflow status. For this just

  1. Install Time in Status
  2. Choose time range (can be 1 day)
  3. Get your report!

Also you will be able to track how much time your issue spends in each status and much more by generating 3 types of reports:

:chart_with_upwards_trend: And use charts to visualize your reports a sample of a certain number according to time range/item range, or a single item:

  • Pie Charts
  • Bar Charts
  • Area Charts

The app is also available in the format of board integration.

You can try it on the Monday Marketplace and share your experience with us.
Hope you find this app helpful.

@Valeriia.H @oceancgi @thedavegray
You can now easily record time and/or update a time entry with one click using Smart Timer and Team Tracking app which has the same look and feel as the native monday.com timer. And then use the reporting board (or export) for your billing.

We had the same pain point with our service based business, sometimes there was a flat rate of time or the staff accidentally recorded the wrong time and needed to easily update it, so we got our dev to build a solution which we have now released to the monday.com marketplace.

We also built in the ability for the team to see LIVE who is recording time on what, this helps us to manage our remote team and re-delegate work as needed.

We have only recently launched so if there are any tweaks that would help it better suit your business feel free to add to the live chat and we will see if we can roll it out in the next update.