Option to Disable a Form?

We recently created a new project intake system, including a new intake form.

After we transitioned to the new system, we were unable to disable the old form, so we kept getting new requests. I ended up having to hide all the questions on the old form and add a link to the new form in the description.

@Monday, could you (pretty please) add a toggle to accept submissions / disable the form?

Hey Fred! We actually have a way to deactivate the form! If you go to your form view, click the blue “publish” button, then you’ll see this red “deactivate” button at the bottom of the window that pops up:

Let me know how this goes and if you have any issues trying to do this! :blush:

Thanks @CharlotteK!

I don’t have this screen on our form, and we didn’t publish anything. We created the form in a board.

Are there multiple versions of forms?

Good afternoon, I have used this feature frequently and have just run into the situation where it would be of value to have a customized message that can be offered if someone clicks on a form link after it has been deactivated. Something to inform the person that the link is correct, but that the survey, poll, form, etc. is no longer accepting responses. Right now, the “Oops, we can’t seem to find your form” hints at form-developer error, rather than a purposeful closure. Thank you!