Private Tasks in Monday Android App

Hi all, I’m relatively new to Android after 10+ years on iPhones so maybe this isn’t a new feature but…
I recently noticed the Private Tasks feature on the home page of the Monday Android App. (Video here GroupApp).
Can anyone confirm this is available on iOS too? Seems to be nothing online about it, anyone have much experience with this feature?
(I checked and Private Tasks are in their own Board on desktop too so part of the ecosystem).
TIa Patrick

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Hey Patrick :wave:

This is very interesting, and transparently a feature I am yet to come across in the iOS app too! I will reach out to our mobile team internally and get back to you with more information :pray:

Hi there,
we have also gone through monday iOS mobile application but did not find a built-in private task feature

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Update @botsquad - this feature has recently been released as an AB test, which is why you might be seeing it on your Android device. We will be releasing more AB tests on iOS/Web shortly so stayed tuned :slight_smile:


I noticed this to and having desktop enabled would be great .
Use app to make action notes then can sit down and catch up on desktop version.
Could you indicate any leadtime for this roll out

Hi @BiancaT ,

Has there been any update on this? I LOVE the feature on the Android phone, but it just isn’t connected anywhere. Being able to follow up on a board in the web session would make this phenomenal.

Thanks for any info!

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Hi @botsquad !

I like this feature a lot, but can’t see where they show up in my main web session (you mentioned a private tasks board on desktop).

Do they still show for you? Do you have a lab on or something?


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Hey everyone!

I am excited to share that we are currently developing this feature for our web-version of the platform :raised_hands: It is currently still in testing stages, however we will be sure to let you know once it’s in its release stage - stay tuned!


Thanks @BiancaT !

It seem super useful!

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I’d very much like to see this feature on desktop in both my work and on my personal dashboard. It’s kind of limited living only on my android at the moment.

@Monday-Team how is it going with this?

I also love this feature!

Currently i am using trello additionally to monday for my private task but i would very much welcome it to use monday instead!

Hi Bianca,

I’m using the private tasks feature on the webapp, but in the beta android app I can’t find these tasks?

Are the private tasks not available on android automatically or how should I access them on my mobile phone?

Would be great to be able to update the same task list regardless of the device (mobile/desktop).

Kind regards,
Menno Geurts

Hey there!

I am checking in with the product manager on an update, I will get back to you as soon as I can :slight_smile:

Hi all,

Thank you for your patience! I’ve recently heard back from our product team regarding this feature.

At this stage, this feature is still fully released. It has been in testing mode on specific accounts across all platforms (/devices) in order to give a holistic experience to our customers. The team is aiming to have this fully released within the quarter. I want to also mention that our team are committed to ensuring feature releases are aligned across all device types moving forward and apologise for the inconvenience and frustration caused thus far :pray:

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Hi, I’m using a lot the private tasks in the Android app, is there a way to find them in the webapp ? I don’t know where to find them.
Thanks in advance.

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Is there an update on the status of the private task implementation? I was one of the lucky users that was able to use private tasks. Unfortunately this was removed a few days ago.

Thank you in advance

Hi everyone,

I have been informed that the release of this feature has been delayed to it being dependent on another release which has been delayed - my apologies :pray:

If you’re happy to DM me with your email addresses I can see what I can do incase we can get this granted earlier!

click here to know more

Hi Bianca, I activated My Private Tasks in monday labs and got this notification. Is this the same thing as Private Tasks? Would be amazing if we could assign other users private tasks, and be able to track the status, and assign dependencies of those tasks without needing the standard connection to a persons, or teams tasks board. Will be very useful for sensitive tasks like HR and Legal Departments commonly deal with.