Provide advanced options time tracking


Over the past few months I have come across quite a bit of hiccups with time tracking on

The following are the changes needed with respect to time tracking

  1. Time tracked for a particular item in a Gantt chart format. With the option to add the person name(person who tracked their time for the item).
  2. Timetracking widget that supports the time tracked for particular person for subtasks. already has this for the main task but subtasks are not currently supported.

Multiple users can now simultaneously record time directly on an item using Smart Timer and Team Tracking app which has the same look and feel as the native timer.

We had the same pain point with our service based business, we didn’t want them to have to log time as a subtask and we needed staff to work together on items at the same time, so we got our dev to build a solution which we have now released to the marketplace.

We also built in the ability for the team to see LIVE who is recording time on what, this helps us to manage our remote team and re-delegate work as needed.

We have only recently launched so if there are any tweaks that would help it better suit your business feel free to add to the live chat and we will see if we can roll it out in the next update.