Searching a shareable board

We are using the shareable links in our organization to share some data. However, there is no way for the users to search/filter the board to get to the data quickly. We have tried CTRL-F and no luck. The only option is to scroll through the data.

I would like to see a search or filtering feature.

Hi @Slfrayn

Welcome to the community :wave:

This feature has been requested in the past already, I just can’t find the forum post right now. If you’re okay in using third party apps, you might want to try Board to Website Widget.

At this point you can turn your boards into a shareable table or grid layout. You can prefilter your board items on e.g. a specific status, and you can filter them even further by completely hiding specific board items – before publishing and sharing.

The shared widgets are searchable and update instantly. Watch the following tutorial video, which covers one specific use case, to get a quick overview of the apps’ capabilities.

If you have any questions, just let me know.

– Markus from Gorilla Apps

I requested it in 2023 and actually just came back today to request it again