Separating decimals with comma in number column

It would really help in typing in decimals with a numpad to be able to use comma instead of period.
Would you consider making this available?

Also changing the way you use comma vs. period.
In Germany we write it like this 10.000,50€ Not 10,000.50€
The second one is incorrect (wich to my understanding) is not changeable in for now…

Hi, I know this post is a bit old but I would also want to know if it’s possible to change the number format for all the columns and boards without using a formula… We need to use DocuGen to export some data and this column is not supported

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Hey @Lucia1 sorry I am late to the conversation, but we do have a workaround in DocuGen that allows you to display dates in various formats in your document. Check this out:

New to Monday, but it seems to be able to display numbers with comma as the decimal separator, but you will still have to use period during data entry. As originally stated, this limits productivity since you cannot use the numpad (when your regional settings require comma).