Hello Monday, please improve the time tracking integration with the chart.
We would like to use a stacked bar chart to show time worked by day on X axis and Y axis shows time tracking. The bar is stacked per task or per board.
This would also us to create charts where we could see the days which tasks were worked, the time spent, and for which project.
For example, I would like to see my employee John Smith, in a chart and I could see on X date how his time was spent across projects or tasks.
As it currently stands this is not possible and If asked the question, “what did my employee work on today or X date and for how long?”, I could not answer that at a glance. I have to look through all the 100s of tasks and find which ones have time logged for today- that’s just unrealistic and a waste of time.
All we can see now is total time worked for a day, week, month, etc.
I hope you can fast track this on to the roadmap as it’s crucial functionality of any time tracker.