Is it possible to build a timeline that doesn’t rely on absolute dates?
Say I have a project that has 5 things, that have various dependencies, and we have an estimate of the time it will take to do them: eg.
A: Design: 3months
B: Build1: 2months (dep on A)
C: Build2: 2months (dep on A)
D: Test: 1month (dep on B+C)
E: Sell: 2 months (dep on D)
I now know that this whole project will take 3(A)+2(BC)+1(D)+3(E) = 9 months, and for example that D will take place 5 months after we start. BUT I don’t have a start date yet, for example, we’re waiting on a grant proposal to be approved, but they want a detailed timeline as above first.
How do I do this? I could do it by creating the Start Date of A as Jan-1, but that’s not accurate, and TBH the date entry process is pretty painful if you can’t just type a date. Scrolling for start end dates is really slow when we’re talking about 50-100 dependent items in the list that can be anywhere from a week to 6 months long. Being able to simple add a “DURATION” column would be ideal, and then all the dates trickle down after we enter the date for the Kick off item.