Is there a tool (integration), widget or view that can display the way my board is setup?
A report of my board setup that displays:
Column name : Column Type : Column Settings
For example of a 5 column board:
Column name : Column Type : Column Settings
“Item” : Name Column : System
“Date” : Date Column : Date only
“Turnover1” : Number Column : "€ , before , column summary = “average”
“Turnover2” : Number Column : "€ , before , column summary = “average”
“Total turnover” : Formula Column : SUM( { turnover1}, {turnover2} )
If I can get a report or output like that, I can more easily document the boards and solutions I build for my clients.
Hi @loovanloon
The easiest thing would be the API Playround and enter this query
query{boards(ids:<id_of_the_board>){columns{title type id settings_str}}}```
This gives you something like this
"data": {
"boards": [
"columns": [
"title": "Name",
"type": "name",
"id": "name",
"settings_str": "{}"
"title": "Person",
"type": "multiple-person",
"id": "person",
"settings_str": "{}"
"title": "Status",
"type": "color",
"id": "status",
"settings_str": "{\"labels\":{\"0\":\"Working on it\",\"1\":\"Done\",\"2\":\"Stuck\"},\"labels_positions_v2\":{\"0\":0,\"1\":2,\"2\":1,\"5\":3},\"labels_colors\":{\"0\":{\"color\":\"#fdab3d\",\"border\":\"#E99729\",\"var_name\":\"orange\"},\"1\":{\"color\":\"#00c875\",\"border\":\"#00B461\",\"var_name\":\"green-shadow\"},\"2\":{\"color\":\"#e2445c\",\"border\":\"#CE3048\",\"var_name\":\"red-shadow\"}}}"
"title": "Date",
"type": "date",
"id": "date4",
"settings_str": "{}"
"account_id": 761505
You can copy/paste that to e.g Notepad+ and save it as a JSON. From there you can use Excel to run queries against it if needed.
1 Like
Very nice! Thank you @basdebruin