Expanded Connect-Board Columns: View More Board Data in Connected Columns

When connecting a column to another board, currently only the names of the items are displayed in the connected column. However, users often need access to more detailed information from the connected board within the connected column. The proposed improvement suggests enhancing the connectivity feature by allowing users to view additional fields or columns from the connected board directly within the connected column. This enhancement would provide users with more comprehensive information without needing to navigate away from the main board view.

@giotor Can’t you use Mirror column for that? or you talking about different scenario/use case!

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Not really! I want to see more data while I’m selecting, on the selection windown.

Imagine one or more itens with the same name. I wouldn’t know the difference, between them, with just the name. I wish I could see more data from the board connected, to help me to choose the item I want.

Hi @giotor

Amber here from the monday.com team :slight_smile:

Do you find that clicking on the item to bring up the item and more information is a bit too tedious?

Could you please try and explain your use case and shed light on why your items might all be named the same? And what the columns are that would then differentiate these from one another?

I’d love to hear about what your different boards represent and why you’d like to connect them in the first place?

I totally feel @giotor

To give an example: In our acccounting setup, the Item names (E.g.: Client Invoice Numbers) are extremely cryptic. This means, that I actually have to have the linked boards open, in order to be able to find the information that i need to determine which Item Name is the one I need to choose when linking.
Clicking on the item is not enough, as I have countless items with cryptic names and no pattern to them. So currently i would have to click at random untill I coincidentally find the right item.

I have the same request, did you solve this issue in the meantime?

+1 to this request!

We have quite a few items with similar or exactly matching names and mostly differentiate them from eachother using a certain number/text value (can start with 0, so usually written down as text value to keep that intact).
I have been getting a lot of requests to be able to search through the list of items using that number/textvalue instead of the name.

Opening items to see the information is possible, yes, but when you click away, the “Choose items” window is closed, so you have to search again and remember which one you last opened (and hope the list order did not change).
I would not say that is a very user-friendly way to deal with that.

Yes, it is possible to use this method to see more information about the items, but remembering which one you clicked (when the names match exactly) is very prone to (user)errors, which is especially unwanted when connecting items.
It would be nice if it at the very least kept the “Choose items” window open, so you can at least open the found items again and double check (or check another item straight away).