Update on recent platform incidents

To our monday.com community,

On April 11th and 16th, we experienced some service interruptions on our US server that may have impacted your account. We want to share a more detailed update on what happened and how we plan to improve your experience moving forward.

The incidents resulted in a total of 59 minutes of system downtime and 62 minutes of degraded performance across the two dates. There was no data loss or security risk and EU and APAC servers were not affected.

We know that you rely on our platform and that any disruption to the platform impacts your workflow and for that we deeply apologize. We take these interruptions very seriously and we’ll continue to invest in preventing them from happening again.

A more detailed update follows below on exactly what happened and our plans for improving your experience moving forward.

Read more here.

Thanks for sharing this Juliette. I’m based in the UK but our account is managed by our US company. It said EU servers were not affected even though I experienced an outage. Is this because the account is owned by a US company? Is there a way to move individual users to local servers if users are spread across the globe?