Use Form answers to edit data in another board

Hi everyone,
I’ve looked through the other questions here and I don’t think I see the answer I’m looking for.

We’re looking to develop a better new employee onboarding process using monday. This would entail the hiring manager filling in a form that inputs information like: start date, which inboxes and applications the new hire should have access to, who they report to, etc.

When that form is completed, I’ve set up a process to create a new board from a template. This board includes all of the various onboarding tasks with a timeline for completing them. Each task is its own pulse.

What I’m wondering is if there is a way to use the information that is filled out in the form to populate any of the information in the onboarding board. For example, if the manager says the start date is March 1, can that date be updated in the start date column in the onboard board? Or if it says they need access to our social media accounts, can that already be checked in the new board. I’ve played around with various automations to do so, but haven’t figured out a way to accomplish this.

I’d really appreciate any suggestions!

Hey @jvandoorn - it is possible but not the most straightforward. Once your new board is created, select all tasks and copy in the hire name (or some column that matches back to the original form).

This would then trigger a match automation to connect the tasks back to the original board with the form and from there you can mirror that needed columns back to the board.

If you need the columns to be used in automations/etc you could use tools like General Caster or Column Magic to copy the data to local columns.

There are a few other approaches as well but this would be the easiest to implement.

Hope this helps,

Hi @mark.anley,

Thank you for this! I’m going to give it a whirl and see how it goes. I didn’t consider this workaround, so definitely will try! Much appreciated :slight_smile:
