User profile sporadically saving changes

In an attempt to update a user profile, changes are frequently not saved, be it job title, location, phone number etc. Sometimes when changing multiple values, some will be saved (e.g. cell phone number) and some won’t (e.g. job title, location). Even when changing a single value it will rarely save. Either I’m doing something wrong or it’s a bug, although I see no save button when editing a profile, so I assume new values are saved as soon as they are entered.

Hey Tim,

Thank you for flagging this - it does indeed sound buggy…

Can I ask you to test this in an incognito window incase it is a caching issue getting in the way? :pray:

Hi Bianca,

Thanks for the response. It appears it could be a cache issue. I cleared the browser cookies and cache, logged into one of the accounts, made changes to the profile and they all appear to have been saved. When I logged out then logged into the other account and made changes to the profile, the issue persisted. Cell phone number was saved, location and job title were not.

Thank you for your help with this Tim!

Giving there was some improvement in a private browser, can I please ask that you clear your browser cache and let me know if you find success with this?

Clearing my cache is what I did before my previous response. I had assumed, rightly or wrongly, that a potential cache/cookie issue is what you attempting to determine when you asked me to test in an incognito window, so I cleared my cache and cookies while remaining in a regular browser window (i.e. not incognito) and it worked.

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Appreciate the clarity Tim - I am glad to hear that this is now working for you :+1: