I have a Primary board where I receive submissions via a form for tasks that I have to complete. I use drop downs in the Client column and Requestor Column (requestor is not a monday.com user so I can’t use the people column). I would like to be able to use a sub board with Client info and a Sub Board of Requestor info as the drop downs in the primary board.
Is there any way to do this? I have tried mirror columns, but they can’t be used in the form. Is there a formula I can use to auto select the same value in the mirror column that they choose in the drop down column? Please help if someone has figured this out.
Monday.com’s Workforms, to my knowledge, does not have a built-in feature that will populate form fields with board data.
I’ve noticed this to be a common use-case though and have to come up with a workaround. That said, I don’t like my workaround and I am curious to how others may approach solving the problem as well.
My current solution involves a custom integration that uses Webhooks and some Javascript code that dynamically changes the options for a dropdown or status column based on the respective boards data. So, when new items are added/remove/updated on the ‘sub-board’, the status or dropdown column’s options are also updated.
This method requires some minor duplicate recognition/remediation and has to account for the maximum number of status labels (30) if you need a single selection on the form.
If anyone else has a more elegant way to accomplish this, please enlighten us!