Webhook event type change_specific_column_value

For those who are adding webhooks to a board through the API (e.g. in a subscribe event from a custom trigger) take care: lot of escaping to do!

I use a function like below to inset any type of webhook to a board and returns the trigger Id. (forgive the formatting, not the best editor here :slight_smile:

static async createWebhook(token, boardId, webhookUrl, webhookType) {
try {
const mondayClient = initMondayClient();
const query =
mutation create_webhook($boardId: Int!, $webhookUrl: String!) { create_webhook(board_id: $boardId, url: $webhookUrl, event: +
webhookType +
) { id } } ;
const variables = { boardId, webhookUrl };
const response = await mondayClient.api(query, { variables });
return response.data.create_webhook.id;
} catch (err) {

This function is called like this for an add_item webhook, with a token, a boardId, a webhookUrl (I my specific case I needed the host part dynamic) and a webhookType.

const triggerHooks = await mondayService.createWebhook(
“https://” + req.headers.host + “/vote-to-group/webhookaction”,

Now, for the change_specific_column_value webhook you can still use the same function but take care of all the escaping done for the last argument (webhookType). All the \ characters in the last argument are really double-backslashes (\\) but lost in this code editor. At least in VSCode you need to escape the escape character :slight_smile:

const triggerHooks = await mondayService.createWebhook(
“https://” + req.headers.host + “/vote-to-group/webhookaction”,
‘change_specific_column_value config: “{\“columnId\”:\”’ + columnId + ‘\“}”’

Many thanks to @ptsgJason for this find and happy webhooking :slight_smile:

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