What has surprised you the most about using monday․com?

Do you love monday․com, and have an interesting story to tell? I’m looking to interview a few people who have discovered something new about their business, their team (or themselves) through using monday․com.

It doesn’t have to be something huge or even be something that saved you time or money… it just has to be something new that you didn’t discover until after you began using monday․com.

Please PM or contact me at deb@polishedgeek.com so we can set up a time to chat. And please share my contact info if you know someone who would be a good fit for an interview like this.

~ Deb Cinkus
Polished Geek

What will you use the interview results for? How will you record and share the answers?

Hi @TheOtherPM - We will be recording the interviews on Zoom and then sharing them publicly in the community and social media. If you have a great monday story to tell, I’d love to chat!