When a dependency is added to an item - change the status of the of the item the dependency was added on

There are automations for sub-items/dependencies, but I need an automation that allows the trigger → when a dependency is added to an item
allows the selected action → change the status of the item the dependency was added on to something.

Item A must be completed before Item B can be worked, i.e. item B is dependent on Item A. These are not sub-items, they are individual primary items.

When Item A is in any status in the list other than done, Item B’s status automatically reflects “Stuck”.
• When item B is created, and a dependency is associated with it in the dependency column, Item B’s status is automatically set to “Stuck”.
• When Item A (the dependency added to Item B) is updated to reflect the status “Done”, Item B’s status is automatically set to “Up Next”.