Work Schedule (Beta)

I’m noticing that for this new Beta feature, the public holidays I set are recognized by the platform on the Workload widget but the Duration column, when linked with the timeline column, still counts that day as available. Anyone else having the same issue?

Hey Ronan,

To confirm, the duration column isn’t skipping days that you’ve set as public holidays in your workflow schedule, correct?

I will take this with our team internally :pray:

Hi Bianca,

No, unfortunately what I’m seeing is that the duration column still counts days I’ve marked as public holidays.


Thanks for your patience Ronan!

I’ve heard back from our team who confirmed that at this stage, the work schedule feature is only supported in the Workload widget and won’t extend to the columns in the board. In the future we plan to support the feature in the board - apologies for the setback :pray:

Thanks for letting me know Bianca, completely understand as this is still in Beta. Look forward to when it’s included in the boards :slight_smile:

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Hi There,
I might be missing something here, but is there a way for the days marked as public holidays to show up in the calendar and timeline views? Any idea if this on the roadmap?
Thanks in advance!