Workload widget with schedules does not calculate utilisation correctly

When using the Work Utilisation widget together with the Work Schedules for adding public holidays, there is unexpected behaviour in the Utilisation widget.

As a simple example, if you have 5 days duration set, with 40 hours effort, the widget will show 8 hours per day and 100% utilisation.

However, if you add a public holiday to this week, you will now see the 40 hours effort spread over the 4 remaining days, giving you 10 hours effort per day and a utilisation of 125%. This is not right. The widget should understand that it needs to factor in the non-working days in the timeline, just the same way that weekend days do not impact it.

Currently the solution is to separate the tasks around each public holiday in order to maintain the correct utilisation %. This becomes more difficult when you have multiple users working on a task, who work in difficult locations with different public holidays.

Support suggested a workaround by using a formula to remove the public holidays from the duration, but this is really not scalable or maintainable at any level.

E.g. creating a formula column for duration like this:

(NEW) Duration (d) = NETWORKDAYS({Timeline#Start},{Timeline#End},ARGS2ARRAY("2023/12/25"))

The request is for the widget to understand that a non-working day should be excluded from the calculation, the same way that weekends are not included.