Workspaces vs Boards help

Good evening, I’m just getting started setting up my workflow. I have two clients and a little confused if I should create a different workspace per client or 1 workspace and two different boards. Each client will be independent and should not see the other’s information.

Each client will be submitting requests that need to be fulfilled. There will be different request categories and forms that they need to fill out per request (example: new sales requests and new design requests). As a project manager, I will need to be able to see overall work that is being completed for both clients.

Should it be:
Workspace (client)
Board (type of request being made)
Groups within the boards

Workspace (my company)
Board (1 board per client)
Group (type of request being made)

Another suggestion you may have?

Thank you for your help!

Hello @LDillon1980 ,

Welcome to the monday community! :muscle:

I understand your use case. I would suggest creating a different private workspace for each, though this depends on the exact nature of your work.

Private boards might also work, again depending on what you want to achieve.

I would suggest reading here to have a general knowledge of how monday functions.

If you want to I would be glad to hop on a short call with you to assist if needed, so feel free to dm me if you feel there is a need.

Giannis, Implementation Consultant at

It depends on your use case. As you can create Public Board. In Board you can create shareable view where your client can see their data only. Same goes for client B. They both won’t be able to see each other boards.

But if you want them on communicate as well, then you need to create private board and invite them for collaboration.

If you need furthur assistance please do not hesistate to DM me.

Rehan AQ | Certified monday expert |

Thank you for the information Giannis!

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Thank you for the feedback Rehan!