A Way to know if your item has been seen

Is there a way to track who has seen an item? We have announcements board, but don’t always know if the whole team has seen them! I know there is a way to see if someone has seen an update.

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No idea if there’s an automated feature for this.

A manual solution could be to add a Vote Column (rename it accordingly) to each board.

True, you can only see who’s viewed an update. Maybe part of the workflow would be to have people write an update that they’ve read it or just post something in the update section with the announcement.

We’re currently testing the ability to “thumb up” an item on the item itself which might answer this need. We’ll see the outcome of the test :slight_smile:


That would be perfect! Can’t wait to see that rolled out!

Yeah, we are currently having them leave a gif as a way to know who has seen it!