Ability to duplicate board without automations kicking off on old items

Relatively new to the platform. Need a way to duplicate boards with structure and updates, without any previous automations or notifications repeating. I want to simply create backup copies of boards in their most up-to-date form in case they get messed up or so I can play around with new ideas. Problem is, the moment I duplicate the board, certain random automations and notifications kick off before I can quickly make the board private and file it away. These are notifications that had already gone out. I have the ā€œKeep Board Subscribersā€ box unchecked, yet folks are seeing these duplicated notifications and getting confused. I donā€™t want to have to shut down multiple notifications and automations before duplicating boards, only to have to enable them again, both on the original board and the copy. How is everyone else making backups?

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What if you save the board as a ā€˜templateā€™, then create a new board ā€˜from templateā€™? When you do that you have the option to make it private from the start.

Thanks for the suggestion. Having never played around with the template function, I got nervous when I saved my live production board as a template. I expected it to copy it off as a separate document somewhere. Instead, it seems that it transformed my board into a template. I panicked at that point, and ā€œremoved it from templatesā€. Are you suggesting I should have made my duplication while it was a template? Should I then change my original back to a regular board? I presume itā€™s not good practice to use a template as a live board. I looked around, and couldnā€™t find much info on best practices for saving templates.
Thanks again for your feedback.

It does ā€˜changeā€™ the original board to a template (I also wish it would move it elsewhere). Template just means that theyā€™ve saved that format for future use. And no, not duplication. Make it a template, then make a new board ā€˜from templateā€™ and use that one for your ā€˜sandbox testingā€™. Then you can make the original no longer a template.

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Great. Simple enough. Thatā€™s just what Iā€™ll do. Thank you so much for the help!

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