Ability to use/assign hyperlink to a button

A rather simple, yet useful request that I can’t believe doesn’t already exist: the ability to open a hyperlink by clicking a button.

A couple different use case scenarios that this functionality would help me with currently:

  1. Initiating Calls/SMS Through JustCall (my business phone service, but I’m sure all others will likely apply here) via the Monday iOS App:
    On desktop, no issues at all, since I have a Chrome extension that allows for this functionality just fine through the use of clickable icons next to a phone number; however, this gets rather annoying when trying to call a lead/contact/person while on-the-go from my iPhone as it defaults to using my own, personal phone number to initiate the call/SMS.

  2. Leveraging Column Data To Create/Visit Dynamic URLs:
    For example, you have a static URL structure that is constant (like “somerandomurl(dot)com/call/number=”) and want to add a phone number to the end of this URL (like “1234567890”) to make a call/SMS, a simple CONCATENATE formula would achieve the desired final URL of: "somerandomurl(dot)com/call/number=“1234567890” which would work great. However, this also isn’t an option.

  3. Improved Board Aesthetics and The Convenience of a Cleaner UI:
    An item’s columns can quickly get cumbersome when there’s just strings of text scattered throughout. For the more-important action items relating to an item/lead/contact/person, an eye-catching button that opens a link would be a welcomed improvement by all Monday.com users.

At the very least, if this is simply not on Monday.com’s ‘to do list’, the existence or/option to add a simple HTML column where something like this could be easily achieved with some lines of code would suffice.

This is VERY NEEDED. Seems weird it doesn’t exist