Adding Google Docs To Files Column from Drive/Integromat

In Monday files column I am able to add a Google Doc from Google Drive that I can subsequently edit by clicking on the created Drive icon in the files column which opens a net browser tab with the Google doc open for editing.
I am using Integromat(Make) to add these files through an integration. When uploading the files in a scenario, attaching them to the files column, the icon is that of a W doc. When clicking on this a Monday doc viewer window opens which does not allow editing of the file.

Does anyone know how I should be uploading the file in Integromat to retain the link to the document in drive and the ability to edit it with a single click in Monday?

I’m trying to do the same thing, I think. I’d like to have Make/Integromat create a Google Doc and attach the Google Doc to the files column in the correct format, but I’m coming up short.

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@tmadonia @dschnurbusch

Converting the Google doc to Word, PDF, text, etc. and uploading that to monday is easy. But obviously not the save as linking to the live doc.

This can be tricky. Adding files via link using the API is not exactly officially supported. But it is possible.

Basically, you will need to get/create the appropriate share link. Then update the file column using a direct call to the monday API (you can use the Execute a GraphQL Query module).

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Hi all. I figured out how to use the GraphQL query module to do this.

First, here’s a helpful Youtube video to understand how the “Execute a GraphQL Query module” works: They help you understand the commands.

Next, this post on the forum has the answer: Easier way to add link to file type column. The answer is embedded in Petr Hnilica’s first code block:

mutation {change_column_value(board_id: xx6299899, item_id: xx27523227, 
  column_id: "files", value: "{\"files\":[{\"name\":\"link1\",\"fileType\":\"LINK\",\"linkToFile\":\"\"}]}") {id}}

To get yours to work, swap out the following:

  • board_id: with your board ID
  • item_id: with the item you want to update
  • “link1” : with the name of your file
  • PrĹŻvodce, AlpskĂ˝ vĹŻdce - kontakt : with the link to your file (mine is hosted on Google drive)

See below for my full scenario for taking a file stored on, renaming it, uploading it to Google Drive, then reuploading the G.Drive file back to the file column.

And here’s what the GraphQL module looks like:

Amazing solution Paul - Thanks! Do you know if this approach would be possible to add the file to an Update instead of the files column?

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Unfortunately I haven’t tried that. An alternative solution is you could grab the “share file link” from Google Drive and use the “create an update” module and just post the link as an update. The item’s update would at least have a link to the file, rather than the file itself.

Yup - That’s what I’m doing currently and it’s a decent solve for the time being! Will play around more and see if I can get the actual file posted.