Admins can now transfer automation ownership while disabling previous owner!

:rotating_light: New feature alert :rotating_light:

Account admins are now able to seamlessly transfer automation ownership to a new owner when disabling a user in the platform.

The pop-up will appear prior to disabling the user, ensuring that workflows continue to run :sparkles:uninterrupted :sparkles: as automations remain active while the ownership is transferred to a new owner.

:point_right: Important to note :point_left:

  • For security reasons, this feature is only available for automations, not integrations at this time.
  • Transferring ownership will happen on a user-by-user basis, and is not supported when bulk disabling users.

We hope this is a welcomed update! If it is or isn’t, we want to hear your thoughts in the comments below!


Could the transfer of board ownership be handled the same way?

Hi! Is there a best practice you can recommend? i.e. For employees leaving the company, should the automation ownership go to an admin account, or something else? What is your recommendation?

Ooh, I like your thinking! This is definitely a suggestion I will with share with the dedicated team. In the meantime, we encourage you to submit this as a feature request so other community member can add their vote to get this on our developers priority list :pray:

Hey Johanna! Whilst transparently, it does depend on each case, I would say that if you don’t have a specific user in place to take ownership, I’d definitely say transferring to an Admin is a smart option here, primarily so they are in control of the automations that are running across boards on an account level. Alternatively, you could also transfer ownership to a user that has access to the most boards that the previous (automation) owner had access too - simply due to that fact that they’re most familiar with the workflow and automation process in those specific boards. Hope this helps!

Done! (pending moderator approval anyway) :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you for the quick reply!

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I think this is a great feature!

I do have one question: we’re a fairly large (and growing!) organization, and I don’t see a way to know whether a user we’re about to disable actually owns any automations? If they do, then we need to figure out who on their team (or in their workspace) we’d assign those automations to and then let that person know they need to re-enable them.

If they don’t have any automations then I don’t have to worry about any of that and I can just assign the non-existent automations to me and move on.

Put simply, when the user owns automations then we have additional administrative steps to follow - but we don’t have that visibility.

Thanks so much for sharing your comment Brooks - this feedback is really helpful. I shared this directly with the product manager in charge who confirmed that …

we are currently evaluating multiple solutions to see, manage and transfer user’s automations and integrations across the account.

We will continue to share updates with you as soon as we can :slight_smile:

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