Currently, advanced filters require the conditions to be either AND or OR. However, there is not a way to include both, such as:
Where Designer is Me (dynamic) or Task Manager is Me (dynamic) And Status is Assigned
The benefit of this is you’d be able to leverage both and + or for an even more advanced filter view. Is this a feature that has been considered in the past? If not, I’d love to suggest this to be added to the roadmap. Overall, it’ll allow teams to create more enhanced and specific filtering views.
Agreed, this is essential when processing large amounts of data on pages and dashboards. And + Or combinations would make dashboards much more useful than their current state.
Completely agree! The ‘advanced’ filters aren’t very advanced without allowing grouped ‘And/Or’ functionality. I’m having to combine several views to get around this so it would be fantastic to have this in one dashboard by adding this functionality.
Totally agree - I was just about to add this one.
Restricting to only using AND or only using OR really limits the complexity of the filters. I’m assuming it would also need parenthesis so you know which condition to meet first.