Allow formula columns to utilize values from hidden columns

This seems to be a rehash of this previously closed topic. Anyway…

Rather than display three columns of related values, I created a formula column that concatenates the values of those three columns into a far less cumbersome format. Great! Nobody needs to see those source columns anymore. But then I restricted those original three source columns from view.…

The big problem: the formula breaks for anyone who cannot view the source columns, negating the point of my formula column. I end up having to show everyone four columns instead of one, then set a view that hides those three columns as a default for the board. Clunky!

IMO, formula columns should be able to access values in other columns that are hidden via column permissions. Or, we should at least be able to selectively allow restricted columns to nevertheless expose their values to formulas.

+1 with a vote from me on this.