Am I crazy or is there no way to actually change an automation without redoing it?

I wrote a pretty simple automation, “When A, then Create B, C, D, E”

Now I’m trying to go back in to add a conditional to it, but it looks like I cant because “Edit Automation” doesn’t actually let you edit the automation, just adjust certain parts.

Does everyone seriously go in and recreate a new automation from scratch every time they need to change something?

Hi Josh,

there are two possible ways to change existing automations.

First click on it, now you can change the variables. (Simple and limited)

The second one would be the game changer for you, click on the three dots on the right side of the
automation (automations overview site) and click on “copy automation”. Now you are able to fully
edit the allready configured automation. Later dont forget to deactivate or delete the old version of the automation. :grin:

  • Silas


This doesn’t solve the issue when your automation is now:
WHEN Status = X
Then step A, step B and step C.

Now I need to update it to:
WHEN Status = X
Then step A, Step Z, step B and step C.

So you want to change the order afterwards.
I think this doesnt matter, it would also work just with adding to the end.

The order does matter since I duplicate items.
The automations are linked to a form that creates items.
And depending on the impacted areas, I’ll duplicate a item several time and each duplicate will get a different status.
So it will be like:
THEN move item to group X
Assign status 1
Duplicate item
Move item to group Y
Assign status 2

The status change has to be done after the move every time

In this case i would split it in multiple automations, with clearly defined status trigger for each automation

I already have 20 automations but this one can’t be split, has to be done in once.
Too bad you can’t make an automation based on in which group an item is.
like “Every day, if the group is X then notify person A and assign it to A too.”