Any apps that simply update the item name based on a formula or formula column?

I saw General Caster has this feature to automatically update the item name based on a column but that’s a pro-level feature that is very pricey for just a simple automation I need that the item name needs to pull soem basic information. I was able to make a formula column that pulls “company name - (quantity) Product name

But I know item name can’t do this. So seeing if there are any cheap or free apps that can do this. Whether it be I have to manually press a button to copy the generated formula column value or if it can run an automation to either automatically copy this column or even run the formula itself if a value is changed to automatically update? Are there any that work like this?

Our app formula pro does this exact thing. There are a couple of recipes to update the item name with results from the native formula column or whichever formula you create. We’re constantly updating it with new recipes based on user feedback and request.

Plus you don’t need a pro plan to get access to all the recipes, you can get started with the free plan with 1000 operations.

You can find it here

Let me know if you need any help getting things setup. You can book a free call with me here if you want too: 30 Min Meeting | David Kalu |

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Yes. Autoboost can do that!
Try using our recipe - “when column changes get the calculated value of formula column and set the result to item name”

What else can Autoboost do?
Using mirror columns as triggers and targets for automations, localizing formula column results into local items and sub-items, transferring information between parent items and sub-items, applying custom rules, automatic currency conversions, and much more!

If you have any more questions feel free to book a free demo or contact us at

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Hey Joseph,

There is a workaround for this. You can move the item to a different board and map those data points (in the Move Automation) to make up the new item name, before moving the task back to the board you want it visible on, with the new name. Not ideal, but this doesn’t incur an additional cost with a 3rd party app.


That an interesting idea. I tried looking into automation and saw the “when an item is moved to group” which I believe is the one you are mentioning and then select “then create an item” but don’t see a way to input the data points. Do I just manually put something like “{company name} - ({quantity}) {Product name}” and then move item back to board? Also, how would you map the other column fields to the new item?

If that’s how it works, I’d imagine in that case the way to do t would be to move item to a group called “auto-name” then then update item name with a new item and delete the other item, then move it back to a specific group.

Hey Joseph,

Let me explain what I mean. So you’ll setup a new automation based on a trigger of your choosing. You’ll then Move the Task to a New Board and in the automation item mapping, you’ll input the ‘other’ data points you want, to make up the new item name. Check screenshot below:

Then once it is added to the 2nd Board (your Automation Board just to change the name), you can setup an automation to move it back to your active board.

Hope this makes more sense.

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Oh I see what you mean. That makes sense. I thought it was move group but it’s move board. I tried to see if I could move to same board but noticed two field columns I couldn’t select because they are mirrored and I guess it doesn’t support that. But still a neat workaround for some of my other boards that are not “deal” related that this will work