Auto-size or Re-size options for Item Card View

We are using forms to capture clients’ incoming creative briefs. The long-term text option on the forms is great for capturing this data. However it is tough to parse the data in the Table view so we use the Item Card view. This is a great work around, but if you could Auto-size/customize the size of the different fields in that view it would be even more helpful! Attached is a screenshot to accompany the below points of what we feel would be a great feature add:

  • Some data fields take up too much space (See Date and Numbers fields). Sizing down or auto sizing would allow to move them to same line

  • Project Description/Text Required fields are Long Answer questions on our forms. Having them displayed in a larger or automatically sized text box would be helpful in reviewing all information on a project without clicking and further scrolling. Ultimately if those long texts could be viewed similar to an Update box that would be spectacular!

This would help users be able to maximize the space of that view and see more data at once. Thanks so much!

Hi Spencer
Dror, from the Monday Sales CRM team here :wave:
Here’s a solution our team wiped up and will be live in a few days:
A responsive, resizable information widget that let’s you control the number of visible fields and the widget’s shape.
Let us know what you think!

Hey Dror! Thanks so much for reaching out and super cool to be selected as part of a hackathon! What you and the team have accomplished there is a great start!

What I was really looking for was that long text answers being captured from a form that display as a text box rather than a line of text if that makes sense. We will have a client submit their description of a project request that has several sentences of text and when we receive it it just shows up as one line. See photo below with “project description”. The entirety of the response submitted from the form can’t be seen without clicking into it to enlarge the box. It would be nice if when forms are submitted, long answer options display in a box large enough to read the entirety of a response, if that makes sense. For now we have a work around to copy and paste all of the information into a comment, which renders the item view kind of useless for our use case.

Thanks again for all your efforts on this!

Hello, is this available?? It’s what I came here to find out!