Automate to remove dependencies

I’d like to be able to automate so when status change to something, remove dependency. Or when status changes to something, adjust dependency duration.

We have a task that’s broken up for the client by months and then each task is dependent on one of the previous tasks. So the due date for task 2 is based on the due date of task 1, 3 is based on 2, etc. But we have some tasks in there that are also dependent on client response which impacts the due date. I set up a series of automations so when the status is set to “sent to client” it should push the due date by a certain number of days. When the team changes the status, it pushes the due date forward with the automation. But then it’s immediately followed by the due date going back again because of the dependency. I’d like to be able to include in the automation so when the status changes it pushes the due date AND updates the dependency duration or just removes it all together. Is this possible?