Automation with Formula

Hi All,

I am looking to see if there’s a way to create an automation for some internal weekly reporting we’re looking to integrate into

The way I’d like it to work is we’d use Groups for that Week Number, then the individual items would be each individual Client assigned to that employee.

So it would look like:

Week 02 (group):

  • Client A (item)
  • Client B (item)
  • Client C (item)
  • Client D (item)

Week 01 (group):

  • Client A (item)
  • Client B (item)
  • Client C (item)
  • Client D (item)

One of the columns will be Month to Date Revenue, I then want to create an automation that, once this Month to Date Revenue column has been completed, it uses a formula to calculate the Forecasted Revenue column. The formula itself would just divide the Month to Date Revenue amount by the current days in the month and then multiplying it up by the total number of days in that month.

So if it’s the 7th today and Month to Date Revenue is £7,000, the Forecasted Revenue would be £31,000 (31 days in January).

I need this to be an automation so that the amount does not get updated as once it’s been posted I don’t want it to be updated. This will allow us to look back at previous weekly reporting and see how we were tracking.

Hope this makes sense and hope it’s possible!

Hi Ryan!
Evaluating a formula in an automation is not supported in Monday at the moment, but you can use the General Caster marketplace app to achieve this.

You will want to use the template “When column changes perform formula and cast it to column” with a formula like:

DAY(EOMONTH(NOW(), 0)) * {item’s Revenue to Date} / DAY(NOW())

Explanation: NOW() will be the time the automation is triggered, i.e. when the revenue to date changes. EOMONTH(NOW(), 0) returns the last day of the current month. DAY([…]) returns the DAY portion of the date (e.g. DAY(31-1-2025) = 31). {item’s Revenue to Date} / DAY(NOW()) gives the average daily revenue.
The formula will return the forecast revenue given current daily average.

Best, -L

I am working toward a similar solution for Monthly Reporting for our clients. I intend to create items in a client portal via an e-mail with the reports attached.

Items in the client report board will have a creation log column and a formula which extracts the year and month. This will be used in a view to group the reports together.

For your solution you might be able to extract the year and week number in a fomula and group it that way.