Automations not working properly when new board is created from template

I created a template board for my coworker and I to use for projects that we work together closely on with automations set to notify me when certain tasks of hers are completed. When I create a new board from the template, everything works fine. However, we she creates a new board from the template, none of the automated notifications work. What might be the cause for this?

Hey @misti4marketing,

Are these notifications attached to specific integrations, i.e. Gmail or Outlook? Or are these simply notification automations you are receiving within the platform?

Moreso, are the automations being deactivated or simply not working?

I did want to mention that the following recipes aren’t supported when templating/duplicating boards in case this might explain the issue:

  • Automation recipes that include item mapping will not duplicate
  • Cross-board automation recipes will not duplicate
  • Custom recipes

Let me know how you go!

Hi Bianca. I’m having the same issue as @misti4marketing. It appears it is because the automations I want to use from the template board are indeed custom. They are not complex in any way but fitting of my needs. Is this something is working on? It’s a bit strange the system does not allow these to move with the templates but allows me to create them. none of us could have the foresight to imagine all possible automations I hope we aren’t locked to just the pre-designed ones for too much longer. please have dev team look into this ive seen a lot of posts for similar problem.

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I am having this same problem!