Automations to create subitems across boards

Hi, I was hoping to create the automation that allows a new item and related subitem to be created in an existing board, when a status is updated to a certain option in another board. I am able to do this with items, but not subitems. More specifically, when one board item is updated to a status of “selected” (for example) I would like it to automatically create a new item on another board with some of the same fields carrying over AND create a related subitem with some of the other fields carrying over.

Hi@AndreaB ,
By using Make use can easily create automation that allow to create a new item and related subitems in a board when status is updated to a a certain option in another board.

In Make there are modules like create item, create subitems which will make the working easier.

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Hi, I’m not familiar with Make. How do I use this? I did not see the automation in the Automation Center in
