Board Filtering Needs To Make And/Or Selectable For New Group

I’d love some up-votes for this, I really think filtering needs to become more robust.

Our marketing department uses a main board to track our individual processes from design to scheduling communication and promotions. We utilize sub-items for some things we do, but not all the time. I’ve noticed when I try to create a view filtered only to what I have that needs to be done, you cannot change the Add/Or designation for a filtered view when a new group is needed.

If I choose to view items I’m an owner on AND view only items that are equal to NOT COMPLETE (custom status label), the view shows items that have no owner but where I’m a sub-item owner but it also shows completed items.

If I choose to view items I’m an owner on AND a sub-item owner on viewing items AND sub-items that are NOT COMPLETE, I’ll only get sub-item items and not items that don’t have sub-items that I’m an owner for.

You only get to select the option for And/Or for the very first dual filter. After the first selection, any other item defaults to the first selection even if you choose a new group.

It would be a whole lot more helpful if you could allow a setup where you can set it up to filter by owner and filter by status (main level) AND THEN allow a new group that lets you setup OR capabilities.

Filter by owner is me, AND status is NOT COMPLETE
New Group with OR designation
Filter by sub-item owner is me, AND sub-item status is NOT COMPLETE

This should allow me to see everything that I am assigned that is not a complete status.