Board not available in zapier

I just try to add a zap to connect to my board and send information into google drive
i have many board available when i connect my monday account into monday but not the one i neeed
i try to paste directly the ID but zapier could not find it ?
I have all the autorisations to this board
any idea please ?

Hey @ysocquet,

welcome to the community! :slight_smile:

Where is that board loacated, maybe in another workspace?

Could add some screensshot.


Hey @ysocquet - welcome to the community!

Could you let us know if this board is in another workspace? Additionally - is this a private board that may not be viewable using your API key?


thanks you for the answer
the board is in the same workspace, and he is not private … he is the older board , the first i create i think …
when i create a new board in this same workspace, i can view it immédiately by zapier

Hi @ysocquet, are you still running into any issue here? Let us know!