I’m trying to create a formula to calculate the RICE scoring system.
I want to be able to populate columns with numbers and then the formula will give me the final score, I’ll explain:
Ive created columns named Reach, Impact, Confidence and Effort
and the logic is : Rach X Impact X Confidence / Effort =
It seems like my formula is not working - what as i missing?
I removed th = at the end, but it still not working.
What am i missing?
(Gilles Cavin - Reinventing Formulas in monday.com)
In a case like this, you’ll need to test. Item by item.
etc. until you reach the culprint.
Impact Numeric is set to hidden and controlled by the dropdown so cannot be keyed incorrectly.
My final Rice Score Formula is set to be ({Reach} * {Impact Numeric} * {Confidence Numeric}) / {Effort}
At this point I’ve left Reach and Effort as a numerical record however the above will provide me a Rice Score without issue, it will be an error though when Effort = 0 since cannot divide by zero.
One thing I found was with Definition / Name of a column something like Confidence % wasn’t liked as the Formula generator in Monday couldn’t handle the % char in column name.
Bit of a thread resurrection but if you didn’t get it resolved, hopefully this helps and any others who googled and stumbled on this community topic.
To Add you could just do what I did in one step without the additional columns but I like to break things out into chunks first to test then consolidate.