Calculate expected working hours vs the actual working hours of items in one group

We are currently developing our time tracking which will be an individual board for each employee. We track time on cost centers for our accounting, not the actual project. Each group is one month (see the image). We would like to take the sum of all hours from one month and check it against the expected working hours of this month. Is there a way to A) refer to the column overview or do I need to calculate the sum of the column within the formula and B) is it possible to write a formula that checks the month and its working days to multiply this by the working hours per working day?

I appreciate your help!

Hi @REG_Philip

With regards to part A:

The best way to calculate the difference between the expected working hours vs the actual working hours of a group would be to create another high level board and using the connect column and mirror column - you can mirror over all the items from each month into one line item.

For example, in the high level board each item would be a month. Using the mirror column, you can link all the items from each group (month), and mirror over the total hours into this one item. Using the formula column, you can then calculate the difference between your expected minus the mirrored actual sum.

Part B:

If I understand correctly, you would want to calculate the working days and multiple it by the number of hours. In order to do calculate the number of working days, you can use the formula function: WORKDAYS.
E.g. NETWORKDAYS({Date1},{Date2})
If you would like to then multiply this you can use: MULTIPLY(NETWORKDAYS({Start},{End}),40) as an example.

Hope that helps!

Hey Nataly,
thanks a lot for your response. With our onboarding partner we basically did all the described steps. I still have one question, though. How can I connect my items from the month group into the high level board practically. So far, I would have to choose all items from the group at the end of the month which is not really practical. Is there a way to at least connect all items of one group at once? Or even an automation I can create? Thanks for your help!

Hi @REG_Philip

My pleasure :slight_smile:
Glad to hear you managed to build it out.

With regards to automatically connecting a group of items. This is currently not supported automatically, and I would recommend setting up an automation notification to remind you at the end of every month to do this. Additionally, in order to connect all the items at once, the best way would be through batch actions - this way you can highlight all the items in a group at once, tap on one cell in the connect column and connect them all at the same time to the relevant item in the other board.

Hope that helps!

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