Calculating the minutes from a start and end time

I am interested in a way to calculate the minutes between a start and end date and time.

Outlook integration allows you to automatically pull the start (date and time) and end (date and time) of a meeting into a monday board. What I want to do is calculate the minutes for each meeting.


Assuming that you are using date columns and that the start and end are on the same day, this formula will return the time difference in minutes:

IF(AND(LEN({End Date}) > 10, LEN({Start Date}) > 10),
      TIMEVALUE(FORMAT_DATE({Start Date}, "Y-M-D HH:mm"))), 24), 60), "")

Jim - The Monday Man
Get Custom Apps, Integrations & Automations for monday

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This worked, thank you so much Jim

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That’s really helpful Jim. What changes in this formula if we want the result in hours?


The easy way would be to just change the “60” to “1” in the previously given formula.

Jim - The Monday Man
Get Custom Apps, Integrations & Automations for monday

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Take starting time and subtract it from ending time. Multiply the hours by 60 to convert it into minutes and add slope unblocked it to any amount of minutes you have left after the subtraction . If you have any number of seconds left after the subtraction, divide the value by 60 and add it to the final result. That’s all!

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