Calendar View to Show Start and End Times of Item

We would like to request that the Calendar view widget include the ability to not only show items on the dates they’re assigned/completed/etc., but if the item has a listed start and/or end time via the Hour column, they also appear as a time block on the day.

Hey Cari,

There are a few related feature requests that request that monday add an end time:

It’s a bit unclear at the moment whether monday is working on fulfilling these requests or not, but I imagine it will have a higher chance of coming true than using an hour type column.

Do you specifically need an hour column? And if so, what for? If you’re open to using a second date column that specifies the end date/time, and you’re open to marketplace apps, you could try Calendar Plus.

Install Calendar Plus

Hi Reinier,
I don’t disagree that the other requests may have a higher probability of execution, but the users of our account are currently using the hour column to indicates a wide range of metrics that would include start time, end time, effort, time estimates, etc. Having the ability to view items in a calendar view that clearly shows the item in the correct time range specified in the hour column on a particular day is what our users are after. We are looking for this functionality to be native to the application and not one that would require us to use an additional app that increases the cost of the account.

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Of course! Customisability is the power of monday :slight_smile: