Hi, I’m trying to find out where the Monday servers are located.
You mean in general?
“monday.com customer’s data is stored on Amazon Servers (AWS) in USA.”
Or do you mean exactly where?
Location by state would be very helpful. Data residency questions, including the US state(s), is often required when completing internal corporate/university security risk assessments. Thank you.
Hi, east coast or west coast? I want decrease latency of my scripts
" Hi Petr,
monday.com’s servers are hosted in the N. Virginia region of AWS (“us-east-1”).
We are working on an EU data region which will be available to Enterprise customers starting early next year"
Hey @swosh!
Thanks for posting! Like you mentioned, monday.com hosts its customers’ data on Amazon (AWS) servers, located in Northern Virginia USA. The data is in one region, spread across multiple availability zones and is replicated to another region for disaster recovery purposes. A region contains multiple availability zones, and these contain multiple data centers.
Thank you for reply. So it means that requests from Europe is servised nearby and nit in USA? Moving my server location to east USA won’t speed it up?
Hey @swosh! Yes, it means that it’s in the USA—I wouldn’t count on increases in speed based on moving your server location to the eastern USA.
Hi guys, does anyone know how to tell which region’s servers your own or client’s Monday.com account is hosted? It seems from a quick Google search that there are only two regions, US and EU. I am in New Zealand and have no idea which region I might be in. This is important to me because apparently you can only use the cross account copier feature between accounts hosted on the same region’s servers.
Hi @MacoHelps
Currently the ability to set a specific data residency is only available for the Enterprise plan.
If you’re not currently using this plan, you will not see this in the admin section.
Unless otherwise configured, the default data residency is in the US, as @TRB-monday.com mentioned in her earlier post.
If you are using the Enterprise plan and aren’t able to see the data residency option, it would be great if you could shoot us an email to support@monday.com with your account URL.
We’ll be able to take a look on our side and confirm the data residency for you.
I hope the answers in this thread are useful!
As we haven’t had any updates here, I’m going to go ahead and mark this thread as solved.
This means that the thread will close in 7 days time
If you have any additional questions or you feel your original query wasn’t resolved, please feel free to let us know and we’ll be happy to continue to assist!
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