Can't view Timeline Date mirrored column at all on mobile

Within our subitems, we have a timeline date column. I selected that column to show on the parent item. On desktop, you can see the timeline date just fine, however on our mobile we cannot. Is this a general error or is this something that is working on implementing in the future?

Hello @Arranged_Abode :wave: ,

Welcome to the monday community!

Monday on mobile is a relatively new feature that is constantly getting improved, so I am mostly positive that this is something the team is working on.

Perhaps @BiancaT could shed some light on this :slight_smile: .

Best Regards,
Giannis, Implementation Consultant at

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Hi @GiannisKoukounas and @Arranged_Abode!

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I can also reproduce this behaviour so I have followed up internally about expected behaviour here, as it appears this could be a bug :frowning: I will circle back as soon as I get a response :pray:

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Hey @Arranged_Abode - thanks for your patience! I am afraid that this is indeed appears to be a bug :frowning: Can I kindly ask that you reach out to our support team via with this information (and a screenshot) so that they can pass this into our technical team? A few of my team members cannot reproduce, and given it appears to be impacting specific accounts, we will need details about your account so our team can investigate and resolve this for you. Thank you for your patience and cooperation in advance :pray:

Hi Bianca,

Yes, I will do that. Thanks so much for your help!

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