Change "Incoming Form Answer" to something else?

Is it possible to change the item - “Incoming Form Answer” to say something else?


Hi @ccosta - you can enable the Name column to be visible on the Form and have the submitter put something in.


You can also use apps such as Item Name Automations to rename the item based on other columns in the board.


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I cannot find this option. Could you specify where exactly it is?

Hi @dk_NFroehlich - if you are using the upgraded forms in monday (Workforms).
Edit the Form > Customize Tab > Builder Settings > “Show name question”


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I do not have this section in the customisation tag. Only “View customization” and “After submission”

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Super helpful, @mark.anley! Thanks so much.

I also do not have this option in that location. ???

Hi folks,

I’m experiencing the same issue. I want to change the “incoming form answer” to the People field. In order to have better table visibility, as well as been able to use the Calendar view and see who submitted what for which dates.

I find “Include name question in form” not useful in my case because I want to populate it with the name of the submitter. They are required to authenticate, so no need to write their name once again. As this is not implemented I’m running an automation to assign the creator as “People” so I can have it in the table at least. But I can’t figure out how can I replace the “incoming form answer” yet.

Other people thought of automation to do that for us and I voted for it here. New Automation: "Update Item name with" - #7 by codyfrisch


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Hi @ddachkinov, you can use a workforms integration to assign the submitter to a people column (as long as they have a account):

You can also use the “Creation Log” column type to show who submitted the form, however that column is limited with automations.

Hope this helps,

Hey Mark, thank you for your suggestion but unfortunately I don’t have access to Workforms. My automation for setting up the People column works, my goal now is to understand how to replace the “incoming form answer” with the person’s (submitter’s) name.

Learned that one cannot change this field using Monday native features, but only through third party apps like “Column Magic”. Could you have a look on this, as multiple people are having issues with it. Allowing “Include name question in form” setting is not an elegant solution asking for people’s names when they already logged in in the app and their names could be simply pulled from their credentials.

As Monday is replacing other corporate apps and organizations are paying to use your services, could you propose any solution to this?
