Chart drill down not filtering when X value ends in 0

I have a number of charts where the drill down is not filtering the selection when you click on it and instead displaying the entire table that the data is being drawn from. I think I have narrowed it down the x value on the chart ending in a zero. For example we have code releases that are of the format n.nn and so every 10th release will be Any chart entry that groups the items allocated to that release doe snot show only those items when you click on the chart component but shows the entire table of items in all code drops.

Hi Andrew, I’m not an expert in this area but wanted to share some advice I found: The issue you’re describing likely stems from how the charting tool in is interpreting or handling the “X” values (your code release versions) when they end with .0. Some charting or data visualization tools may treat numerical values with a .0 as integers or apply default rounding/formatting, which can lead to incorrect grouping or filtering behaviors.

Steps to Address the Issue:

  1. Check Data Type and Formatting:
  • Ensure that your code release values (e.g., n.nn) are treated as text/strings rather than numbers. This ensures that values like 1.10 are preserved exactly as they are without being interpreted or rounded by the system.
  • To convert the values to text, you can:
    • Add a column that explicitly formats these values as strings.
    • Use formulas or data transformation tools available in to prepend or append a non-numerical character (e.g., '1.10 or 1.10-text) to differentiate it from numeric values.
  1. Validate Chart Settings:
  • Double-check the configuration of the chart, especially the X-axis grouping and drill-down behavior:
    • Ensure the field used for the X-axis is consistent in type and formatting across all rows.
    • Test by creating a filtered view of only problematic rows to see if the issue persists.
  1. Test with Adjusted Data:
  • If the .0 versions are causing issues, try modifying one of the problematic entries by:
    • Changing n.n0 to n.n0 (test) or similar.
    • Observing whether this resolves the drill-down issue.
  1. Workarounds:
  • If you cannot directly address the root cause within, consider creating a dashboard view that uses additional filters based on your code release values. This way, you can simulate the expected drill-down functionality manually.
  1. Contact Support:
  • If the above steps don’t resolve the issue, this could be a bug or limitation in how handles certain numeric/text edge cases in charts. Providing the exact behavior (with examples) to their support team will help escalate the issue for a potential fix.

Hi Clare, thanks for your help. Its certainly narrowed down the possible causes. It would seem that in all scenrios other than in a drill down step the release values are being treated as text (in fact I have had to crate a numerical equivalent field for other needs). Nowhere in Monday does its use drop the trailing zero in any presentation, even on the x-axis values of the charts. It would seem that when Monday takes the x value in to the drill down query it is only then that something is being done to the value that is breaking the filter applied to the table presented.
I will contact support.

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