Clicking Location Column Creates New View

When I click the little geotag next to an address in a Location column, it creates a new Map view. I would rather it bring me to my existing map view, and center the map over the address I’ve clicked. It seems like it should really work this way to be useful, no?

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Hey @agoulet! I can see exactly what you’re referring to here and can also recreate this behaviour on my end. Please let me follow up internally to clarify expected behaviour and share your feedback :pray: I will circle back here once I hear from the team!

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Thank you, Bianca! I appreciate the follow-up. As someone who manages clients and subcontractors from all over the country and world, this feature would be really useful for my team.

Thanks so much for your patience with me and apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I have heard back from our team who confirmed that this is strange behaviour - as such I have filed a report with our technical team and will update you as soon as I hear back with an update or fix. Thanks again for your patience :slight_smile:

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Thank you, Bianca! It would be very useful to have this fixed.

Andy Goulet
Operations Manager

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Following because I’m having the same issue. If the map icon opened in google maps (or map browser of our choosing) that would be super helpful.

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Hey @ErikOlsen and @agoulet,

The developers have confirmed this is a known bug that they’re working on resolving. That said, they cannot commit to an ETA at this time, however will continue to keep me updated on its developments. Thanks in advance your understanding of this :pray:

ok, thanks Bianca!

Andy Goulet
Operations Manager

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Have the same issue. I’m a new user who created a workspace and main table with a location column. Worked fine in the beginning, each click on a location would take me to the same map. However after some time, every click of the location opens up a separate map view in as a map widget; looks a bit different than the original map. I’m pretty sure this started happening after I created a test dashboard, installed a map widget to it, then subsequently deleted the dashboard and map widget together. I’ve spent hours, creating, deleting, moving, etc everything I can think of. The only way I can see it work as intended is to download the Construction Management template that includes a premade map tab. This works fine within this template, but if I try to combine this with my current workspace, the error still occurs, so must be something bugged in my original workspace.

Same issue, was working quite well then seems once adding a map to a dashboard its ruined the functionality.

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Seems like this would be a big clue for their dev team on where to start looking for a fix. Been months with no feedback.

HI @BiancaT Any movement on this map/widget/dashboard bug? I’ve been reluctant to continue using extensively with live data since I feel I may have to start over at some point to get the proper map functionality back. Thanks! - Matt